Post by Masaru Kiyoshi on Apr 6, 2011 22:01:32 GMT 1
Navn: Masaru Kiyoshi
Alias:"Shichi Jinkei"
F¸dselsdag: 23/8
Alder: 26
K¸n: Dreng
Village: Konoha
Land: land of fire
Rank: Jounin.
Position: Teamleader team-7
Chakra Nature: Earth/Lightning(tailed beast)
Special Abilities:
Jinchuriki 7-halet
grå-Sort hår og brune ¸jne b¿re et ar midt på venstre kind, er ofte if¸rt hans meget unikke sorte panser jakke. Er genemsnitlig af bygning men i meget god form.
Optimistisk og venlig Kiyoshi m¸der verden med et smil. Ikke desto mindre ligger hans stålvilje ikke langt under overfladen. Han mener ikke selv han er hård men at han er en realist der ¸nsker det bedste for andre. Nogen gange er det bare n¸dvendigt at vise dem vejen i den bedste mening.
Som ung var Kiyoshi ikke bem¿rkelsesv¿rdig i skolen. Han knne f¸lg med i timerne og leverede en indsats lidt over gennemsnittet. Selv efter Genin pr¸ven blev han ofte betegnet som dygtig men manglende drivkraft.
Alt dette ¿ndrede sig da hans hold blev fanget i hvad der skulle have v¿ret en ANBU mission. Konoha havde sendt en elite gruppe afsted for at g¸re en ende på truslen fra en gruppe af missing-Nin's. Da kampen var overstået lå hele Kiyoshi's hold d¸de og kun to ANBU'er var tilbage. Den ene var ved at ånde ud. Han bar på Shichibi den syv halede d¿mon bille blev den sidste tilbagev¿rende ANBU n¸dt til at forsegle den i den eneste tilbagev¿rende mulighed, Kiyoshi...
Oplevelsen ¿ndrede Kiyoshi's syn på livet han tog gladeligt imod den syv halede hvis den kunne hj¿lpe ham med at redde liv og beskytte Konoha. Han blev drevet og genoptog hurtigt efter sin tr¿ning på et nyt hold. Han blev betegnet som drevet og en udpr¿get teamplayer.
Efterhånden som han steg i graderne begyndte han at revidere sit syn på hvem han skulle beskytte. Han indså at hans ligev¿rdige ikke beh¸ver hans beskyttelse men ve den der angriber dem han anser som svage.
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3 Explosive scrolls(store tags)
6 Kunai's
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Kouchuu Benkai henge no Jutsu(beetle Defence transformation Technique)
This Technique lets the user draw upon the 7 tail's chakra and transform part of the user into the body of the 7 tail. This boosts defensive power incredibly and the exo skelton
deflects chakra.
Shinkirou Nenten no jutsu (Twisting mirage technique)
This technique affects the senses very subtle, leaving the subject out of synch with his surroundings. this means that what appears as a direct hit leaves the target unharmed. In reality the target isn't there anymore. the delay is roughly 3 seconds.
Doton: Domu(Earth Release: Earth Spear)
The user flows chakra through all parts of their body, which hardens their skin to a steel-like quality. This increases their defensive power to the utmost limits. The user's skin becomes much darker, an almost black colour. Furthermore, the destructive power of physical attacks is increased, making this a great all-purpose technique. The amount of techniques that can break through the areas hardened by the Earth Spear are close to zero, not including its undeniable weak point: Lightning Release ninjutsu
Doton: Moguragakure no Jutsu(Earth Release: Hiding Like a Mole Technique)
This technique changes earth into fine sand by channeling chakra into it, allowing the user to dig through it like a mole. This effect goes around the body (not just the hands), making it just large enough for a person to move through. The user can pinpoint where they are, despite being underground, by sensing the magnetic forces. They can also sense what is happening on the surface and use that information to launch a surprise attack on the enemy. One can also hide deep in the ground, escaping to a depth where the enemy can't reach.
Doton: Retsudo Tenshô(Earth Release: Tearing Earth Turning Palm)
This technique causes the ground surrounding the enemy to spiral inwards on itself, burying them alive or crushing them. This jutsu is capable of causing quite a bit of damage to the area. This technique is much more damaging if used in rocky mountainous areas, or inside a cave.
Sattou o-ku Chuuseki(Rushing oak pillar) taijutsu
This technique lets the user make lightning fast jabs with a staff each one strong enough to shatter stone. The speed blurs the staff creating many false afterimages making it difficult to block.
Konoha-Shunshin no Jutsu(Leaf-Body Flicker Technique)
This jutsu is a high-speed movement technique, allowing a ninja to move short to long distances at an almost untraceable speed
Konoha Reppû (Leaf Gale)
This technique is a good example of how even simple taijutsu can become a pre-eminently destructive, lethal technique. The attack is a simple rear spinning low kick, but a strong enough user can send a large adult flying as if they weighed nothing.
Magen: Narakumi no Jutsu (Demonic Illusion: Hell Viewing Technique)
This is a genjutsu that reveals the fears that dwell inside people's hearts. Everyone has an image of the one thing they wouldn't want to ever see. This genjutsu is a technique that draws forth such an image from within the heart and has one mistake it for reality. First, an imaginary circle of leaves will spin around and envelop the target, falling away shortly after. After a short period, the illusion will begin. This is to make the illusion more convincing, since the user will likely have moved before the illusion sets in.
Henge no Jutsu(transformation)
This jutsu allows the user to transform either themselves or another object into the appearance of another person, animal, or object.
Bunshin no Jutsu(Clone technique)
This technique creates intangible copies of the user. The clones are simply illusions and will dissipate when they come into contact with something. The illusions can be seen through by the Byakugan and the Sharingan. A person with normal eyes can also distinguish the clones from the original, since the clones do not have shadows and will not disrupt the area around themselves with their movement
Kawarimi no Jutsu(body replacement)
This jutsu lets the user quickly switch places with another nearby object, such as a plant (normally a section of a log), an animal, or even another person within reach using the Body Flicker Technique, the moment an attack hits. This creates an optical illusion, making the enemy think the attack was successful. The user can then use this confusion to escape or launch a counter-attack. Exploding tags can be attached to the replacement for an added surprise
Kakuremino no Jutsu(Cloak of Invisibility Technique)
This jutsu allows a ninja to take a cloak or a piece of cloth and blend into an object, making them invisible
Alias:"Shichi Jinkei"
F¸dselsdag: 23/8
Alder: 26
K¸n: Dreng
Village: Konoha
Land: land of fire
Rank: Jounin.
Position: Teamleader team-7
Chakra Nature: Earth/Lightning(tailed beast)
Special Abilities:
Jinchuriki 7-halet
grå-Sort hår og brune ¸jne b¿re et ar midt på venstre kind, er ofte if¸rt hans meget unikke sorte panser jakke. Er genemsnitlig af bygning men i meget god form.
Optimistisk og venlig Kiyoshi m¸der verden med et smil. Ikke desto mindre ligger hans stålvilje ikke langt under overfladen. Han mener ikke selv han er hård men at han er en realist der ¸nsker det bedste for andre. Nogen gange er det bare n¸dvendigt at vise dem vejen i den bedste mening.
Som ung var Kiyoshi ikke bem¿rkelsesv¿rdig i skolen. Han knne f¸lg med i timerne og leverede en indsats lidt over gennemsnittet. Selv efter Genin pr¸ven blev han ofte betegnet som dygtig men manglende drivkraft.
Alt dette ¿ndrede sig da hans hold blev fanget i hvad der skulle have v¿ret en ANBU mission. Konoha havde sendt en elite gruppe afsted for at g¸re en ende på truslen fra en gruppe af missing-Nin's. Da kampen var overstået lå hele Kiyoshi's hold d¸de og kun to ANBU'er var tilbage. Den ene var ved at ånde ud. Han bar på Shichibi den syv halede d¿mon bille blev den sidste tilbagev¿rende ANBU n¸dt til at forsegle den i den eneste tilbagev¿rende mulighed, Kiyoshi...
Oplevelsen ¿ndrede Kiyoshi's syn på livet han tog gladeligt imod den syv halede hvis den kunne hj¿lpe ham med at redde liv og beskytte Konoha. Han blev drevet og genoptog hurtigt efter sin tr¿ning på et nyt hold. Han blev betegnet som drevet og en udpr¿get teamplayer.
Efterhånden som han steg i graderne begyndte han at revidere sit syn på hvem han skulle beskytte. Han indså at hans ligev¿rdige ikke beh¸ver hans beskyttelse men ve den der angriber dem han anser som svage.
6 Soldier pills
1 Teleskop stav
3 Explosive scrolls(store tags)
6 Kunai's
1 Panser jakke
Kouchuu Benkai henge no Jutsu(beetle Defence transformation Technique)
This Technique lets the user draw upon the 7 tail's chakra and transform part of the user into the body of the 7 tail. This boosts defensive power incredibly and the exo skelton
deflects chakra.
Shinkirou Nenten no jutsu (Twisting mirage technique)
This technique affects the senses very subtle, leaving the subject out of synch with his surroundings. this means that what appears as a direct hit leaves the target unharmed. In reality the target isn't there anymore. the delay is roughly 3 seconds.
Doton: Domu(Earth Release: Earth Spear)
The user flows chakra through all parts of their body, which hardens their skin to a steel-like quality. This increases their defensive power to the utmost limits. The user's skin becomes much darker, an almost black colour. Furthermore, the destructive power of physical attacks is increased, making this a great all-purpose technique. The amount of techniques that can break through the areas hardened by the Earth Spear are close to zero, not including its undeniable weak point: Lightning Release ninjutsu
Doton: Moguragakure no Jutsu(Earth Release: Hiding Like a Mole Technique)
This technique changes earth into fine sand by channeling chakra into it, allowing the user to dig through it like a mole. This effect goes around the body (not just the hands), making it just large enough for a person to move through. The user can pinpoint where they are, despite being underground, by sensing the magnetic forces. They can also sense what is happening on the surface and use that information to launch a surprise attack on the enemy. One can also hide deep in the ground, escaping to a depth where the enemy can't reach.
Doton: Retsudo Tenshô(Earth Release: Tearing Earth Turning Palm)
This technique causes the ground surrounding the enemy to spiral inwards on itself, burying them alive or crushing them. This jutsu is capable of causing quite a bit of damage to the area. This technique is much more damaging if used in rocky mountainous areas, or inside a cave.
Sattou o-ku Chuuseki(Rushing oak pillar) taijutsu
This technique lets the user make lightning fast jabs with a staff each one strong enough to shatter stone. The speed blurs the staff creating many false afterimages making it difficult to block.
Konoha-Shunshin no Jutsu(Leaf-Body Flicker Technique)
This jutsu is a high-speed movement technique, allowing a ninja to move short to long distances at an almost untraceable speed
Konoha Reppû (Leaf Gale)
This technique is a good example of how even simple taijutsu can become a pre-eminently destructive, lethal technique. The attack is a simple rear spinning low kick, but a strong enough user can send a large adult flying as if they weighed nothing.
Magen: Narakumi no Jutsu (Demonic Illusion: Hell Viewing Technique)
This is a genjutsu that reveals the fears that dwell inside people's hearts. Everyone has an image of the one thing they wouldn't want to ever see. This genjutsu is a technique that draws forth such an image from within the heart and has one mistake it for reality. First, an imaginary circle of leaves will spin around and envelop the target, falling away shortly after. After a short period, the illusion will begin. This is to make the illusion more convincing, since the user will likely have moved before the illusion sets in.
Henge no Jutsu(transformation)
This jutsu allows the user to transform either themselves or another object into the appearance of another person, animal, or object.
Bunshin no Jutsu(Clone technique)
This technique creates intangible copies of the user. The clones are simply illusions and will dissipate when they come into contact with something. The illusions can be seen through by the Byakugan and the Sharingan. A person with normal eyes can also distinguish the clones from the original, since the clones do not have shadows and will not disrupt the area around themselves with their movement
Kawarimi no Jutsu(body replacement)
This jutsu lets the user quickly switch places with another nearby object, such as a plant (normally a section of a log), an animal, or even another person within reach using the Body Flicker Technique, the moment an attack hits. This creates an optical illusion, making the enemy think the attack was successful. The user can then use this confusion to escape or launch a counter-attack. Exploding tags can be attached to the replacement for an added surprise
Kakuremino no Jutsu(Cloak of Invisibility Technique)
This jutsu allows a ninja to take a cloak or a piece of cloth and blend into an object, making them invisible